GERD – Hiatal Hernia – Regurgitation

Signs or Symptoms

Heartburn, pain on swallowing, difficulty swallowing, coughing, wheezing, asthma, tooth enamel decay, gingivitis, bad breath, throat soreness, laryngitis, and hoarseness.


Stomach acids come back up into the esophagus and into the mouth irritating these structures.


Poor functioning of the valve between the stomach and the esophagus, hiatal hernia, slow stomach emptying and decreased salivation are some of the most common causes.

Standard treatment

Medications to reduce stomach acidity and in severe cases surgery to reduce the size of the opening between the stomach and the esophagus.

AK Approach

The diaphragm is the large muscle that separates the thorax from the abdomen. It wraps around the esophagus and is the major support structure that can be strengthened and used to help prevent the re-flux. Testing is done to determine abnormal functioning of the diaphragm. Then treatment is directed at normalizing its function. This is followed by exercises to strengthen any weak structures. Nutritional work to augment the body’s own natural anti-inflammatories as well as stimulating healing of the damaged structures is undertaken. Balancing of any imbalances in the normal acid & alkaline systems of the body are also tested for and corrective measures undertaken. Other lifestyle modifications are used to prevent or minimize exacerbating the condition. A specific program for your needs is created.

(c) ICAK website.